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Important meeting on student achievement at Kakuyuni Library

Photo of Kahindi Garama

Kahindi Gharama is a former Akili bursary student from Kakuyuni. He is now in his final year at Egerton University studying economics and statistics. On 30 July he organised a meeting at Kakuyuni Library, in association with the Librarian, to discuss the academic performance of local primary and secondary students and ideas for improving this. Among the participants were about 30 local students, including a number now attending University and College, religious leaders and local community leaders. The County Assembly member was present and the Malindi member to the National Assembly gave her apologies.

A number of proposals came out of the discussion:

-Motivational talks could be held on Friday and during holidays in local schools when students are readily available.

– Organising activities such as inter-school quiz days, debates, sports which would influence the mental thinking of students .

– Empowering students to use the library effectively, helped by Akili bursary students.

– Rewarding the best students in each exam. The local leaders agreed to consider this. A ward scholarship for primary candidates who excel is already in existence and he agreed to increase the numbers by next year. Secondary students could also benefit from ward university scholarships.

Another item on the agenda was a discussion of community organisations. The area county member claimed he needed support from other groups in the community to take these suggestions forward and it was proposed that youth and women groups would be organised including current and past students wishing to put something back into the community. The religious leaders emphasised the need for students, parents and teachers to work together on improving academic performance.

Kahindi concluded that the meeting was an’ incredible exchange session’. He says his personal motivation comes from ‘aiming higher, aiming to produce and create a safer society which is an educated society.’

We shall be following developments from this meeting with interest.

As a footnote another Akili bursary student is following in Kahindi’s footsteps. Omar Kopi is a recent Akili bursary student from Dabaso who has secured a place at Egerton to study statistics. We have put the two in touch with each other and Kahindi is now introducing Omar to university life and in particular the Statistics society of which he is an official.

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