All donations go directly towards charitable activities in Kenya. You can support one-off, via our Givey page or cheque, or set up a regular donation by standing order:
Cheque made payable to The Akili Trust
If you would like to sponsor a bursary student, visit our Bursary Programme page to find out more and then feel free to contact us. Please note that for safeguarding reasons we do not create direct links between individual donors and individual bursary students.
Are you running a charity marathon, coffee morning or quiz and wish to donate any proceedings to Akili?
Do you have an idea for an event that you’d like to run, independently or alongside us?
Fundraising events are our primary source of income, so we’d love to discuss running something together.
In addition to providing an annual budget for the purchase of Kenyan books, revision guides and books in Swahili, our policy is to send good quality, relevant books to our libraries. We aim to send one shipment per year.
We are keen to collect new books from publishers as donations. Individuals can donate but we ask you to make sure that books are up-to-date and in good physical condition.
Our current priorities are:
Picture books of all kinds for all the primary schools
Books on sport (particularly football)
Annual donations to buy local, Kiswahili books
£20 per month

£30 per month

Secondary school fees per student
£40 per month

Book fund
£170 per month

Salary of a librarian
Alongside the many individuals who have generously given their time and money, The Akili Trust is very grateful to the following supporters.
Leggatt Trust
James Larman
W.W. Spooner